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You can help us to fund our research and reach policy makers in the UK and EU.

The current UK EU relationship has drastically reduced opportunities for collaboration, communication and shared work on the economies of the UK and EU, security and defence, climate change and energy, police and crime collaboration and more.

We work with business, industry, civil society, politicians and officials in the UK and EU to recommend ways in which collaboration and cooperation could be improved.

By joining as a member you will help us to lead research and to influence policy makers on both sides. As thanks you will receive member-only information, invitations to online and in person events, and will have early information on coming research papers and events.

"Zero sum thinking and deliberate distancing have done huge damage. What's needed now are the practical building blocks of a closer UK/EU relationship to benefit both partners.

To speed progress towards this goal the Commission is a cause well worth supporting.”

Lord John Kerr